Sunday, May 5, 2019

Power and authority

    • The thing called trust- where is it gone?

    • Power and authority always divides. It's futile however to argue with those whose whole being revolves around that

    • It's not good to be too good. It's called naivety. And usually gullible people fall for it.

    • Beware of social climbers. You are just a stepping stone in their ambition to find the next  host. Very soon you will show signs of parasetimia...

    • Meekness is weakness... Bible

    • The western world has always been dynamic. India has matched it as well. But it is gradually becoming a soulless society.. cascading..very fast..

    • The difference between the poor and the rich is not only of the status ... but also of the heart - Kishore Kumar

    • Good guys don't get good girls, and gentlemen prefer blondes...

    • Never go by what the rich the corrupt  and the powerful say. Usually they say  something else. 

    • Failure is merely the proof that you are trying

    • Litigation is the underworld of affection turned sour...

    • Innumerable crimes in history have been committed in the name of God..and people still ask for deliverance.

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