Sunday, May 5, 2019

My life as an open book, with read and unread pages....

    • Everyone loves piggybacking on success, no matter even they had nothing to do with any of the journey.

    • If relationships are all transactional, to hell with it.
    • You do have the right to disagree, or even dislike me.  Disagree to agree or agree to disagree. But then that's just another prerogative. I on the other ✋ do reserve my right to respond . Or choose not to.

    • Misuse of anything starts even before it's use. The society we live in.... Its intended to justify the actions of the crook, the bully, the corrupt,and the Machiavellian's.

    • What's "said" and what's actually "done"  is all the difference in the world.

    • Hatred is often an underestimated emotion. It  usually overpowers love

    • Conformist society day by day has turned me into an outright rebel.

    • Two hoots to all the straightjacketed norms being followed in this ratrace. I will follow my instincts, make my own mistakes and learn. Am accountable only to my self, not the world.

    • Rules and laws..always been made by the powerful to deprive the others and ensure own authority. Why else would robin hood s be made?

    • The blankness when you realise once again that you are fatherless and have learnt to live with it. That vacuum...

    • My life as an open book, with read and unread pages....

    • Transactional relationships, like every damn thing is a trade off, in business or in interpersonal relationships, what exactly remains sacrosanct? A mother's love and a  dog's loyalty and affection. As a last bastion.

    • Success versus joy.  What would you choose,?

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