Sunday, May 5, 2019

But today the sinful are happy...

  1. Scoundrels on media , social media and everyday life, lowlifes, blindly following their paid political masters' dictats imposing their bullying tactics, - are they going to teach us what patriotism is? And are we going to await their stamp of approvals,? Probably yes, coz the silent majority is like , everytime "silent" , too busy or apathetic. It's the silence of the lambs. And this "silent majority" expects that "someone will change" the system. Who's that someone?

  1. Why do well  educated and intelligent people have an obnoxious affinity towards power and authority? Bullying the downtrodden and salivating up to the higher ups..What's the point of education then?

  1. People call me old fashioned. Yes I am. Some values like chivalry , uprightness, grace, dignity is what I still hold dear..

  1. Anyone who understands war, doesn't wish a war.

  1. When you want "war", please do think if that's really what you want. If certain, think again. Of the repercussions.( Not on your keyboards/ keypads/social media handles) but on the nation. Coz once it starts.......

  1. One can always strive to be better, step by step, day by day.....

  1. Positive disciplined  Action is everything. Passivity breeds negativity..

  1. They said - do this, don't do this.. predicted outcomes.. success, failures, etc. Eventually it's all presumptuous and vague. What does actually happen? What are you destined to do or be.. only the future knows. And it's wrapped in a cloak .. thus embrace the uncertainty and live for the present.. let you be the one to chisel your own destiny. And not forget dreaming.

  1. But today the sinful are happy whereas the meek remain submissive to the dictats of the crude.

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