- They who....Consciously commit a crime and sing paeans at a place of
worship and act victim... Fool the world.. a matter of convenience..
in the name of religion. Doesn’t come as a surprise. What is alarming is
the profligacy and the total silence of the lambs.
A Few Roman
Phrases -----
- ....ad augusta per angusta, ad astra per aspera…………………………...through
difficulty to the stars.
- actiones secundum fidei ----------------action follows belief------------------"We
act according to what we believe (ourselves to be).
- actus me invito factus non est meus actus--------------------the
act done by me against my will is not my act
- actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea-------------------------------The
act does not make [a person] guilty unless the mind should be guilty
- auctoritas non veritas facit legem -------------------------authority,
not truth, makes law
- audere est facere ---------------- to dare is to do
- audi, vide, tace.-------------------.hear, see, be silent
- auri sacra fames--------------------------accursed hunger for gold
- barba non facit philosophuma----------------------- beard doesn't
make one a philosopher
- beati pauperes spiritu----------------------blessed in spirit [are]
the poor.
- beati possidentes------------------blessed [are] those who possess
- Unless you try, you never know if you are good or bad enough..
- How can a fighter relax?
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