Friday, September 11, 2020

Blog Update V15

 As a perspective, Important to remember in these times how deadly diseases like small pox and polio were overcome and their threats nullified.

India played a leading role in the eradication, so hopefully can show the way again against Covid19..

Charitymeter ..Willingness- yes, ability - yes, capacity- ?

Getting your dream job or dream spouse won’t create happiness. You have to build habits,” Henderson said. “And connecting with others is important, but getting right with yourself is equally important.”

The middle class conundrums.. aspiring to be noveau... Wanting to be grounded..
Never ending cycle..

Leave an imprint, before you become a stat..

Evil never manifests standalone... Indifference and apathy of the so called "good folks society" plays a role...they will only react when it's at their doorstep.

The son may become a  father one day, but a father can never be a son....

Good or bad, how does it matter eventually?

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